Foundling Home
Fondling Home (for the children till 6 years of age)

Abandoned, Destitute and Orphan children – newly born babies or six years of age are provided sheltered here. The unit is fully equipped with all the facilities as per the need of the babies of this age group. The children of this age group, surrendered by the police, abandoned by people in the cradle put at the ashram gate or the children surrendered by the biological parents or kin, are admitted to the fondling home after taking the order from the Child Welfare Committee (CWC).

In the cases where the parents or kin of the abandoned children are found, complete assurance of their identity is taken and then such cases are put before the CWC for rehabilitation in the society. Those who are declared free for adoption are given in adoption to the Prospective Adoptive Parents (PAPs) as per the guidelines of the Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA).